Embracing the Challenge: Calderdale Plein Air Competition in Hebden Bridge

I have previously written about the benefits of stepping outside our comfort zones. I might be mad, but next Saturday, 14th September I’ll be in Hebden Bridge stepping outside my normal comfort zones for the day.

Photo of watercolour paint and brush

Recently I saw the adverts for the first ever Calderdale Plein Air competition in Hebden Bridge. I don’t usually paint outside, especially where people might watch, I don’t usually enter competitions and I don’t usually make my art at a predetermined time and place. I also tend to avoid using terms that are exclusive, the sort that people might use to show that they have a bit more knowledge than others. “Plein air” is one such term, it just means “outside”, I prefer to use normal language so that more people understand.

So, of course, I entered the competition. I will be painting outside. I don’t have any expectation for my work to be placed among the prize winners, but I am hoping that this will be an enjoyable and positive challenge.

I don’t know what medium I will use just yet but there will be brushes and pencils and possibly a fountain pen or fineliners – the final choices will depend on the weather. I’ve also not yet decided which bit of Hebden Bridge I will be painting as there are so many attractive places to choose from.

2 thoughts on “Embracing the Challenge: Calderdale Plein Air Competition in Hebden Bridge

  1. Great stuff! I have occasionally painted outdoors many years ago and remember that the light changes, often all day long, and that makes for colour changes all the time, unless you are lucky enough to have a bright and sunny day. Good luck enjoy the challenge and I feel sure you will, whatever the outcome.

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